Front veiw of the proposed memorial

Aerial view of the memorial.

Current drafted dimensions (subject to change)

A Certificate is available for all who purchase a spot on one of our pillars. Its a great idea if you're surprising a loved one.

Sign Placement
Our first sign placement, "Future Home of the New Prague Veteran's Memorial"

Receiving one of our very generous donations. we cannot thank our supporters enough!!

Music Fest
Our committee members who were present for one of our Annual Music Fest events.

Ground breaking ceremony
October 2020: Ground Breaking Ceremony

Granite ready for engraving.

Cement pad poured.

Flag poles placed.

Light poles placed.

Lights on at night.

Cement Stain placed

Sod and landscaping done

November 2021: Crane on site for granite placement

Eagle placed

Solider Statue placed

Flags were rose

Complete Memorial!
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We are humbled to thank all who have supported the development of this Memorial in order to honor all veterans who deserve our respect!
Thank you!
DaleLyn Means
JoLyn Williams
Andrea Means Lehman
Email us at: